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tv   Weekend News  Al Jazeera  August 23, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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this is al jazeera america. i'm del walters in new york. with a look at tonight's top stories. global stocks are feeling bearish, as overseas stocks open. will they have affects on u.s. markets tomorrow. ten years after hurricane
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katrina, a look back at the storm that devastated new orleans and part of the gulf coast. we begin night with unease by global investors as stocks start in the red. markets in hong kong and china are dropping. japan's nikkei is dropping another amount as well. slowing economy, the wall street journal says that chinese is pumping money into the markets to ease drops there.
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week saw major lasts that followed 530 point drop. u.s. markets haven't tropped that far that quickly in four years. we're going to have much more on this story, coming up a little later in our broadcasts. we go to france where three american men are going to be recognized for acts of bravery, french president francois hollande will present them a medal of bravery, this man they subdeed wasubdued had hundreds s of ammunition. >> when most of us would run away, spencer, anthony and alex ran in. is. >> it was either do something or
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die. >> reporter: airman first class spencer stone and alex scarlatos, are being recognized as heroes. along with two others. >> we hit the ground, alec came up and grabbed the gun out of his hand while i put him in a choke hold. it seemed like he just kept pulling more weapons left and right. pulled out a handgun. alec took that. took out a box cutter, started jabbing on me with that. >> the gunman was on the radar in three countries for having ties to radical islam and having traveled to syria. his legal team says he is a homeless man who found weapons in a bag.
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>> he said he planned to hold up the train and shoot out a window to escape. >> that's unlikely to the heroes who saw the cache of weapons up close. >> it doesn't take eight massinhags tohold up a train. he clearly had no firearms training whatever, or if he got lucky and did the the right thing he would have been able to operate through all eight of these magazines and we would have been in trouble. >> on monday, these young men will be feted at the highest level. the president and prime minister will be at elysses palace. quite likely there hasn't been as much honor for americans
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since world war ii. john terret, al jazeera. men arrested friday for threatening to kill hundreds of attendees at a. okemon convention on friday. social media about posts the men allegedly wrote, they are expected to be charged with unlawful possession of a firearm and other firearm related charges. some republican candidates are putting distance between themgz anfrombetween them and d. trump's talk is a distraction. >> that's not something we should be focused on, that's an applause line. the fact is it's in the
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constitution. let's fix something we can fix easily and not the constitution. >> let's firm birth right citizenship. the chances of having the 14th amendment overturned by the supreme court are extremely small. >> enforcing laws should be red flag to voters out there who for years have heard lip service from politicians and are understandably age are you because those politicians haven't been. >> he says the government's problem is the way it handled undocumented immigrants already here in the u.s. >> the government has no idea. we have lost control of our country. we've lost control of our borders. the government has no idea how many illegals there are. i have been hearing 11 billion for five years then the other day i heard 30.
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>> meanwhile, texas senator ted cruz is working on a plan to defund planned parenthood. >> put a stop to this ongoing holocaust. >> cruz says he will start a new 50-state campaign against planned parenthood. democrat bernie sanders appearing at a packed town hall in new hampshire. there he talked about income inequality. >> we live in the wealthiest country in the world but guess what? very few people in america know that. almost all of the wealth and much of the income is going to the top 1%. >> tomorrow sanders will appear at three town hall meetings in nfs, the finew hampshire, the fy
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state. most recent fire in the west coast beginning about 24 hours ago in lake country in california. 400 acres in just two hours. lisa bernard has the story. >> what is unique with this fire? >> one of the biggest challenges is in deep topography and terrain. >> you want to make sure it doesn't jump over this road. what would happen if it got to the other side of the road. >> on the other side is more uncontained fuels, leading to problems along the way. these crews are working very hard to keep it inside these lines. one thing we're trying to do is actually eliminate the vegetation or fuel. lighting back fires, do it under
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our terms, versus nature's or others. >> the fires have been raging since a lightning strike ignited last month. more than 47,000 acres has already burned, most in the back country inaccessible to firefighters on foot. choppers have been collecting water from a large lake here dropping it as fast as possible and returning for more. thick smoke in the morning is preventing the choppers from going up until late afternoon. ten helicopters are being used on this fire. and here you can see what they are trying to prevent. the king's canyon lodge is the only structure so far that has been destroyed by the fire. i.t. was built in 1928 and -- it was built in 1928 and tourists have been coming here for decades. it was filled with antiques and now all gone. authorities are amazed the double gravity gas pumps still
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survived. >> lisa bernard, thank you. angry lebanese citizens clark with riot police they say they are fed up with their government. and as officials work to ease tensions on the korean peninsula, south korea's president making a bold demand. and in our week ahead segment, hurricane katrina, ten years later, what lessons if any have we learned? we'll talk to two rescue pilots who are there in the aftermath.
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>> back to our top story, it is already monday in asia and the markets there continue to tumble. shanghai dropping more than 7% at one time. the hang seng, down 4%. adrian brown is riding the roller coaster that is now asian markets and adrian what's the latest? >> well, del, you don't need to be an economist to know that some strange things are happenings. china's index closed almost 4%. today, it is down more than 8%. that is a very, very big precipitous drop. that is despite government
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intervention to try to revive the market. on sunday, the council announced that it was going to invest more than $97 billion from the state pension fund into the market to try and revive it, that is money that goes towards workers retirements. there quill be millions of workers wondering whether their pension fund will now be worth less than it was a week ago. to put this into context del, economic growth is now what it was in 1989. and also the chinese currency is continuing to lose some of its value. lost more than 10% of its value in the last 11 days. so overall a very, very scary picture now.
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>> adrian, how linked are the markets and how does china's moves affect the global market from where you sit right now in beijing? >> reporter: well, del, they are entangled. when shanghai falls, hong kong fell, tokyo fell, sydney fell, and i think it's fair to say that further will be down, london, and possibly new york. china has been seen as the engine of global economic growth. that is no longer fair to say the case. i don't think we have seen the bottom of the chinese market just yet del. for those of us who went through this in 2007 and 2008 there was a palpable fear. is there such a fear as you
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watch the chinese market pluck? >> i think there is certainly a good deal of unease there at the moment because this is the first time that the government in china has used money from the state pension fund to try to prop up the market. that i think is seen among many analysts as a sign of desperation, now remember, the government has also spent billions of dollars buying shares to try and increase their value. that hasn't worked and last week the government said it would no longer be buying shares. yet today it is using pension fund money to do just that. so i think there is a worry about what happens if these two approaches simply don't work. what does the government do next? awhat does it have in its arsenal to revive the economy? it simply doesn't know what to do next.
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>> adrian brown, thank you. ben cavender, the shanghai index, the hang seng down also, will the moves work? >> looking what's happening in the markets now, the injection from the pension funds may shore up the markets somewhat. but it is downward trajectory over the next weeks if not months. if you look at the p ratio, they're still almost absurdly high from a fundamental standpoint. we've had a major runoff and now this selloff. we'll probably be due to a continued selloff. >> what do you tell your american clients, dow futures are down, they expect to be sharp do you agree? ask. >> you know i think that if you
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look at the u.s. market what happened on friday, and the futures going down, i would expect the morning to be rough. fundamentally, the market should be spiking up and certainly the rest of the year there's upside. >> mr. cavender, clearly the bubble is bursting, is there panic? >> i wouldn't say there's panic right now. i think people are very leery right now as to what the government's doing to maifnt stability in thmaintainstabilit. but i think the government has some tools we can bring into play, we're probably going to hear them talk about lending out more money to smaller businesses in china. that's probably a good thing. it may or may not be enough but it may be a start in the right
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direction. >> two things, are we already seeing i signs, similar to quantitative easing, and if i have a 401(k) what stocks or indices should i be moving away from? >> you know as far as what china's doing right now they're taking the steps they can but i do think we're probably in for a little bit of a rough ride, still a little bit of volatility as the market jumps up and down over the next couples of weeks. if i had money in 401(k), i am thinking about cash if nothing else. before looking at making new investments and when i did it would probably be in index funds, maybe the s&p 500 something like that. >> mr. cavender before we let you go, oil stocks are plunging in the united states, is the energy sector taking a hit in
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china too? >> everybody downstream is sort of taking a hit right now. continue to see big production gains in the u.s. and coming out of saudi arabia, that's going to drive prices lower and that's going to make a lot of companies hurt a lot so i don't think that's going to stop any time soon especially with weak command about right now. >> ben cavender, thank you very much for joining us and enjoy the ride. now to those marathon talks going on in the korean korean peninsula between north and south korean. south korea's president is now calling on the north to apologize for provocations that caused harm for soldiers in the south. harry fawcett is live in seoul, do we have any update on day 3 of the negotiations? >> reporter: no update on the contents of those talks. coming up to 48 hours since the
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second round, 31 hours in total there have been two sessions one on saturday, sunday into monday. obviously those talks have not entirely without break. it is an extremely long session and it suggests there's a willingness to get something as far as a resolution. the president park geun-hye, if that is the are bottom line demand from south korea for these talks to be concluded directly, it will be very difficult for south korea to accept that. north korea says it had nothing to do with the blast.
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and south korea is doing the loudspeakers because of that attack. >> they're talking but they're also continuing the military buildup in the background. how are they getting the military ready? >> well, the south korean military maintains its highest state of readiness, also in concert with its u.s. ally, there are 28,500 military personnel stationed here. according to the defense ministry on monday, the south korean defense ministry, there are talks going on regarding the u.s. strategic assets, anything from bombers to ships to submarines. nothing decided on that front as yet. they are also confirming in south korea what was detected
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south say large scale troop movement, artillery doubling in size, 70% of south korea's submarine fleet leaving its bases and now at sea. not something that's been seen in north korea since the end of fighting in 1953. >> harry, you are expert in all things korean. does it seem different this time? saber-rattling is not new, but does it seem different, feel that way? i don't think it necessarily feelings much different from what it did in 2013 when i was also here reporting on similar kind of levels of threat. in fact i think the language being used in terms of the level of threat was higher on the northern side, they were talking about nuclear strikes against military bases, u.s. military bases, indeed on the u.s.
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mainland as well. at that time, the industrial complex, the shared industrial venture between south and north korea inside north korean territory that was closed down for a good few months. so that maintains operation. there are south korean youth footballers in pyongyang, and reporting they are able to do their work relatively unhindered. there are some positive things on the ledger as well. the difference is there had a been artillery exchange across the peninsula and pretty unprecedented level of north korean hardware moved around. that could be just a show of force but the south koreans are preparing for every conveniently because of that. >> harry fawcett thank you very much. september 20th, opposition leader is expected to tell the president on monday that he has failed to form a new government
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following the resignation of prime minister alexis tsipras last thursday. the leader of the popular unity party will attempt to form a coalition. if he fails as well, there will be an election called. harry reed supports the iran nuclear deal. lawmakers are debating whether to accept that agreement signed by the world leaders last month. tehran says it will reduce its nuclear program. in september congress will vote on whether to honor that deal. meantime, the british foreign secretary was in iran today, there to reopen the british embassy. >> we will have overcome the deficit of trust on both sides, which has existed for a long time, in a way that will allow us to have more constructive relationships in the region and
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beyond in the future. >> iranian officials on the other hand were in london getting their embassy up and running. a sign that britain is already laying the groundwork for economic ties with iran. that could mean business deals worth billions of dollars. angry protesters and riot police battling in the streets of beirut. the demonstrations growing over frustrations that protesters believe is an ineffective corrupt government. the prime minister hinting he might resign during a press conference today. water cannons, rubber bullets and tear gas were shot at the protesters yesterday. rebel cities in yemen, dozens of receivables were
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caught right in the middle of the attacks. there are no official reports of anyone being wounded or killed today. it comes days after dozens of civilians died in ta'izz, according to the re red cross. up next, our week ahead segment. hurricane katrina, ten years ago. and cashing in on drones, u.s. military aircraft as a weapon of war but canada says it has a different use. ent use.
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>> it's sunday night and time to look at the week lady. this weekend marking ten years since hurricane katrina. president obama well go to new orleans to celebrate the anniversary of that deadly storm. nearly 2,000 people losing their lives, thousands more left homeless. causing $250 billion worth of damage. let's look back at what happened. >> august 2005. katrina is just one of many tropical storms that hit louisiana every summer although this time it's a maximum strength category 5 hurricane. >> we knew we had potentially a really bad storm on our hands. so saturday night, 24 hours
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before landfall, the mayor went on television and told the city leave. leave. and if you can't leave, we're going to open up the superdome as the refuge of last resort. >> when you talk about the superdome with no electricity, with no plumbing, with no restaurant facilities, with 30,000 people in that facility trying to just survive, the convention center, the same scenario, no food no water no restaurant facilities no air conditioning and we're talking about during the summer months where the temperature exceeded 98 to 100°. >> the smell of dead bodies, inside the smell of feces and urine. it's terrible, it's an awful situation we have to live in. they made a promise to us that they were going to move us and move us and move us and we believing and people getting
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frustrated at this point. >> on day 4 the government finally sends help to the city. >> president george w. bush saying, this photo was a huge mistake. it's become the yardstick of presidential responses ever since. another image that will live on in the minds of americans for quite some time. american citizens being described as refugees as they were forced to take shelter inside the superdome. there were descriptions of dead bodies and raw sewage and then there is this. two photos that tell it all. this elderly woman in a wheelchair who died waiting for help at the new orleans convention center and stranded americans spelling out the word help and waving the american flag. both flying rescue missions in the days after hurricane katrina, mr. shand i will begin
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with you. do you still see these images, these pictures of people waiting for help in new orleans underwater? >> do i, i think about it all the time, just the emotions that we were going through that day. so many people in trouble and just the utter destruction. all the way along the coast from pensacola all the to louisiana, i see it every day i think about it all the way. >> i ask you this question. how do you feel looking back ten years later and realizing these are the images, this is way katrina looks now and some say some has changed but not enough. >> i mean what we saw was pretty harrowing. we are trained to do that. we are both nine year veterans of the navy at that time. but i don't think anything can prepare you to see that kind of destruction, i don't think anyone was prepared to see the level of destruction and the human suffering that we saw. just to be a part of it to help
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in even a small way is a blessing. to give relief. >> i'll ask you both this same question. katrina became a political hot potato. ten years later, ten full years, do we know the real story, now that all of the agencies have been vetted, and what could and could not be said has been cleared through washington, do we really know ten years later what happened? >> i could tell you i'm a current pilot in the coast guard, i don't think anyone was prepared for that. but to look at the response then and the response today, we work with partners on a regular basis from other agencies and i think we're a lot more prepared for what could happen. but i don't think anyone was prepared for the magnitude of the storm. being my major is meteorologist and this thing turned into category 5 before slamming into the coast. so i don't think anyone was prepared. i think looking at the response then as compared to the preparedness level now, is night and day.
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we did what we could back then. all agencies responded to the best of their ability. but it was unprecedented the scope of this. >> mr. shand, ten years later do we know the whole story do we know what happened? >> dealing with some of this magnitude i don't think anybody was prepared for that level of a disaster. i think you know we've learned what we're going to learn and the response and the communication between the agencies have increased so much since then i think is the big benefit, if it can be described that way. but have we learned what caused it and why the delay was as slow as some say it was? i don't know that we ever will, fully. >> we can see your name on the back of the helmet but i'm curious, you have heard from the
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survivors what did they tell you? >> i haven't heard directly from the survivors but the rescue missions specifically the first day we dropped people off on the i-10, frankly because that was the only high ground that was above water. it was opretty old loud helicopter and we had people come up and shake our hands. so i mean we don't do it for any medals for any recognition but that kind of satisfaction when you look in people's eyes frankly i would not expect them to be able to find me, and i couldn't find them but to be able to drop them off on dry ground after their harrowing adventure, that was rewarding and that was thankful that's the kind of thankfulness that i like. >> and also correct me if i'm wrong but one of the people that you rescued suffered a heart attack right? >> yes, sir, on our second rescue mission we were asked if we could hoist 20 people from a flooded school and this is day 5 so the rescue coordination was pretty in full swing then. it was night and day from the
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first day to the fifth day. there was this command and control, multi-agents but we still had a big hospital, h there sea king they are no longer flying in the air force but they carry a lot of people. hoisted 20 people from a school and when we were going to new orleans international airport my rescue center said one of the guys is going into cardiac arrest and i radioed ahead to the tower, they gave us permission to land in front of probably ten helicopters, we landed in front of the gates and had waiting paramedics took him away. i can't tell you if he survived or not but the response from the ems teams on the ground was fantastic and if there was any chance for him surviving it was because we got priority handling and they were there when we landed. >> we paid so much attention to
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new orleans especially when we saw those images, that elderly woman in the wheelchair who died waiting for rescuers to reach her but i was struck by comments from both of you, from the gulf coast, there was no one left to rescue and houses were ripped from their foundations and gone. >> right, once you are flying west from pensacola, past pascagoola mississippi, there was nobody there for miles and miles and utter destruction. once he got closer to keesler and bulloxi. >> you said you were all operating off of paper. >> h-3 is a pretty old aircraft so we had a very rudimentary
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railroad computer, everything was paper so that wasn't too much out of the norm for us. >> i was struck out of the fact that you were running out of jet fuel and as you were flying out of base, you were flying over people that needed help but you couldn't stop. what did that do to your gut? >> who are you asking that question? >> you. >> that was pretty tough. we actually the comment about the paper, the coast guard was doing the best they could, no electricity, we do everything on computers, no electricity, everything was manifested on the grease board, the amount of survivors so it was basically back in the stone age but fly back home at night because we had permission to do the rest accuse until nighttime because we weren't equipped with night vision goggles or anything like that in the h-3 but there were
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probably a thousand points of flashlights when we were flying home, and you knew it was people stuck on roofs or courtyards. we talked to the crew the next day and i don't consider myself a tough guy in any means but i fly with a couple of rescue swimmers and everyone felt it, it was difficult, people left on the roofs stranded. it was hard to see. >> let me ask you this before we go. has there been a day, mr. utko, i heard that emotion in your voice. has there been a day in these ten years that you didn't think about that day, those months that fold? >> it's a complicated question. you can see in my wallet i have some pictures. i'm proud of what we did. it hurts to know there were so many people suffering. it also feels good to be able to do the business that you're trained to do, to help relief. i currently fly in the coast
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guard so if i seem tired i was up at 4:30 yesterday on a launch so i'm blessed to do it. but when i think about it, i think about how much better prepared we are as armed services of the nation to deal with something like this. a catastrophic event. but yeah it still hurts. i see the faces. we're hovering at 50 feet. no matter how big our helicopter is. but you're looking at the faces of people that you can't rescue and it's tough sometimes. >> mr. shand ten years later is there a day that you don't think about katrina? >> no, it pretty much is an everyday thought for me. i have a picture hanging in my office of me standing in front of the h-3 and every time i see that picture i think about flying in pensacola which immediately brings me back to flying hurricane katrina, the people we could help the people we couldn't and the total devastation and all the people that needed help so desperately.
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>> captain david shand and lieutenant matt utko, who worked last nightly until 4:00 in the morning. thanks for coming. >> thanks for having us. >> if you live in the northeast, you might want to hold on to these final days of summer. next winter could be brutal. also search at the movies, potential new security measures in the wake of those theater shootings. ootings.
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>> al jazeera america primetime. get the real news you've been looking for. >> now everybody in this country can hear them. >> at 7:00, a thorough of the day's events. >> at the end of the day, we're going to give you an intelligent, context driven, take on the day's news. >> then at 8:00, john seigenthaler digs deeper into the stories of the day. >> this is a complicated situation. how significant is it? >> and at 9:00, get a global perspective on the news. >> the stories relevant to americans. >> they're sending their government a message. >> organizing themselves. >> weeknights, on al jazeera america primetime.
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>> in this country the use of privately owned drones is heavily regulated. the military and cia often use them as weapons of war. but in canada, the emphasis is on finding peaceful uses of drones. daniednl has the daniedaniel la. >> solar panels for damage and to surveying lumpary homes about. >> in the u.s. you are not allowed to fly at night. in canada they've allowed us to
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fly at night. in america thermographers are still walking the removes at night, it's dangerous. one of them was even deployed over libya by anti-gadhafi forces in 2011. but the peaceful use of drones is where all the growth is now according to the company's founder. >> what we're seeing in the recent years is the transition from sort of the military heavy focus of our business back to the commercial market, and the opportunities we see in this middle market as professional users where you can keep people safe and do things a lot more cost effectively. >> in nepal medical and just above the stormy seas above alaska's aleutian islands, most detailed surveys yet of the
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sealion population. all because canada has been more forward-looking than united states. >> the law always lags behind the regulations, at the same time, that the technology is up and coming. >> as the market expands for this sort of aerial work american regulators are changing but slowly still. concerns about crowded air space, safety on the ground even terrorism are paramount while canada an industry grows as the u.s. considers its options. think of the cell phone. not long ago they were highly specialized used by certain people and now they're everywhere. quite literally in the future the sky is the preliminary. daniel lak al jazeera waterloo. >> last week he told the world he was being treated for cancer,
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memelanoma on his brain. but now he's teaching sunday school. >> i'm going to cut back quite a bit. gives me an excuse to do it. >> he is set to teach seven more sunday school classes then he trabletravels to nepal in octobr where he will continue his work with habitat for humanity. after a handful of violent attacks on movie goers, kristin saloomey reports. >> security issues have become a daily part of our lives in america. the chain posted on its website regal entertainment group wants its customers and staff to feel
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comfortable and safe while visiting or working in our theaters. earlier this month, in tennessee, a man attacked guests at a mostly empty movie theater. he was shot dead by police who had this response. >> from events across the nation you may consider this type of incident regardless where it happens as a new normal but you can't stop living your life. >> reporter: two weeks before that two women were killed during a screening of a ploif train wreck in louisiana before the gunman shot himself. those attacks happened the same month that james holmes in colorado was sentenced to life in prison after a mid nigh premier of the dark knight rises. regal acknowledges that
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searching bags may be an inconvenience. but those who we interviewed didn't mind. >> i think it's a great idea. they have a right to check us. >> i think it's a good idea. mainly because we don't know what's going to happen. it could be in a restaurant. it could be in a theater. >> yeah i mean you don't know what people have in there but it's probably mostly snacks. >> more security may not guarantee a happy ending but for many, it is a small price to pay to enjoy a film. kristin saloomey, al jazeera, new york. northeast is in for another round of brutal winter, comes on the heels of that winter in new england that saw its snowiest winter on record. the almanac says it's winter deja vu. it's 199 years old, now almanac hits the news stants this week. it predicts colgd and snowy
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weather from maine to montana. a ten-year-old girl says a close encounter with a shark isn't going to keep her from doing what she loves. kelly was bitten buy small shark, others helped her out of the water, they say she needed 90 stitches. >> no not really i mean like what are the chance he you're going to get bit by a shark twice. i'm pretty sure i'm good for life so. >> kayley starts 5th great tomorrow. going to greatly heights for the game they love. plus brazil goes to great lengths to clean up the polluted waterways before the olympics.
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>> we're here to fully get into the nuances of everything that
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>> in stockholm, world water week beginning today, five day meeting where officials try to make water available for all. case in point, subsaharan afri africa. catherine soy has the story. >> this simple spot, it pays for water. at half a u.s. cent, matthew and seven others are able to get 20 liters of clean water.
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average use 120 liters a day. in an area where water has for decades been expensive and unclean, this atm style dispenser is welcome news. >> it has helped me because we used to go far to look for water. now even if there is no water from the city council, we can still get water here. >> but this is a slum of about half a million people. the nairobi water company which provides water to the city's residents, faces competition from illegal vendors who have diverted the city's water to sell. >> that is an illegal connection. it seems to be much busier but also more expensive. there are other such water points and operated by landlords and vigilante groups as well. we are told that those who live in this township are often forced 50 cartels to buy water
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at twice the cost and without the guarantee of safety. >> the connection we don't have the facilities, then because along the right the idea open to array. >> local community workers used to convince people including many skeptics to buy the cards. just bought one she says even though the new water points may be cheaper they are an inconvenience. >> the water points are very few. the water pressure is very low so we have to queue for long wasting a lot of time. >> hopefully installing 1200 water dispensers for everyone in the slum, until then, the company has no alternative but
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to buy from the cartels. catherine soy, al jazeera, nairobi, kenya. lagoon found to have dangerous level of bacteria from raw sewage last month, several american rowers became ill after like trials. creating a boat with a net to catch pollution on the surface of the water. rowers using that bolt to help clean up the lagoon today. it's been almost a year since the israeli-palestinian ceasefire in gaza. out of that rubble there is a small glimmer of hope. sports. imtiaz tyab reports. >> in the middle of gaza city skyline, a splash of green. this is the middle east's first rooftop football pitch. the unlikely sporting venue opened in june and has quickly become a popular destination.
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sami sala is the captain of this community league. he says having an astroturf pitch to play on has improved his game. >> i feel so happy when i come here for training. making such a place in central gaza is so great for us, we could play more football. >> this rooftop pitch is the only one of its kind in middle east. there is little place for palestinians to play sport in. one day after the 50 day bombardment ended in a ceasefire, israel has maintained strict border restrictions. many places have not been cleared including football stadiums and other sporting
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centers. which is why so many continue to play sports in the streets or anywhere else they can. these children kick around a football in the lane in front of their home dodging rubbish and rubble as they try to score goals. mohammed has been playing football since he was four. he says he wishes he has a better place to play with his friends. >> our neighbors keep shouting at us, they say we make too much noise to play football but we don't have the money to do anything else. >> the idea to build the rooftop football pitch came from some officials who found the money, were funded by the government of qatar. imtiaz tyab al jazeera, gaza. >> now to our back story. it is already monday in asia the markets there continue to tunnel.
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shanghai dropping more than 8.5%, the hang seng down 5%, the nikkei down 800 points or close to 4%. we will keep you posted, on all the accommodation and going, throughout the evening. i'm del walters in new york. york. together in our debate - it's your constitutional right to bear arms. more than 150 americans are treated for gun assault every day. congress will not pass new gun laws, but would new gun laws make any difference, our gun laws - are they useless. our panel has media fuelled outrage against police shootings made it more dangerous for cops to do their jobs. amnesty international says selling yourself for sex should be decriminalized. is prostitution a new right. i'm imran garda, and thi


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